Reenie’s Corner

In my little corner of the world…

Archive for December, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Posted by Reenie on December 25, 2008

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government
shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful,
Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father,
The Prince of Peace.”
~Isaiah 9:6~

There’s more, much more to Christmas

Than candle-light and cheer

It’s the spirit of sweet friendship

That brightens all the year

Its thoughtfulness and kindness

It’s hope reborn again

For peace, for understanding

And for goodwill to men.

From me to all my blogger friends I wish you a very Merry Christmas…May you find a special meaning that brings happiness your way.




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Winter White & Fires Bright Keep Thee in God’s Grace Tonight

Posted by Reenie on December 7, 2008

Christmas in Bethlehem. The ancient dream: a cold, clear night made brilliant by a glorious star, the smell of incense, shepherds and wise men falling to their knees in adoration of the sweet baby, the incarnation of perfect love. –Lucinda Franks

It’s been a “bone chillin'” weekend here in Central PA…with dustings of snow throughout!

Friday evening my husband & I went to our first holiday party. The newly appointed CFO (the company I work for) and his wife hosted a small party at their home for the Accounting Department. Their home was just exquisite festooned with 2 Christmas trees (1 was even revolving) and a table spread with appetizers, meat/cheese tray, veggies including luscious desserts…I had a wonderful piece of homemade red velvet cake with frosting to die for and fudge that was so creamy…it melted in your mouth! An enjoyable evening was had by all.

Saturday…I tackled light string after light string in hopes of finding ONE or maybe two that I could use on several boxwood bushes. We got our wooden Santa out with a landscaping light to shine upon it…and another landscaping light shining up our “naked” Tulip Poplar. Steve helped me to connect all the extension cords to a power source…that’s always a big factor in the outdoor decorating! With frigid temps…I didn’t hesitate to “git-r-done” and come in the warmth of ye old stone house.

Today…I actually didn’t make church service. It was so windy and cold…not to mention the snow squalls. I got some laundry done this afternoon…talked to sister #3 on the phone…called my friend in Nashville and tried to get some things in order to start decorating tomorrow. I have the day off and will go to the attic for our totes of Christmas decorations.

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world and behold, everything is kinder, gentler, and more beautiful. Let us remember…then & now, the true gifts of Christmas are Peace, Joy and Love.

…in my little corner of the world…

I believe in the Sun even when it’s not shining.

I believe in Love even when I don’t feel it.

I believe in Christmas even when life is hard and my spirit is low.

I believe in God even when he is silent.

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We Remember Him

Posted by Reenie on December 5, 2008

David E. Lauver

9-15-1945 ~ 11-29-2008

Today a member of my church family, husband, father and grandfather was laid to rest after waging a tough battle with Leukemia…only 10 days having the stem cell transplant, our friend succumbed to complications of that furious war.

I attended the calling hours to pay my respects last evening…it was “standing room” only outside and inside; and a wait of about 90 minutes. Those minutes felt like an eternity but gave me time to reflect on the life of Dave Lauver…his Barber Shop trade…his family but most importantly, his Christian impact on his ideals, family values and a wonderful pillar in our church. A very soft spoken gentleman with God on his side…he is now at peace with no pain and discomfort.

Having grown up in our church I recall …he was always a sincere “endearing” guy…serving as Sunday School Superintendent and always helping out in some small way…by being lector to offering and communion usher. He was a great wood craftsman and was very instrumental in the “FaithChests” being built for our Passing the Faith ministry.

My dad always patronized Dave’s Barber Shop…he was always telling jokes and was a gifted storyteller. I’m sure Dave’s clients will certainly miss his haircuts and storytelling. Dave loved nature and hunting, too. I think when you’re out and about in the woods…you’re truly in tune with God and the gift He gave us all…life!

I will miss Dave’s warm smiling face sitting next to his wife in the 3rd pew every Sunday…but I know that God has a plan for him. His family now being on the grieving journey will look to our Lord and savior for the strength to get through each day. They will be able to gain some normalcy and put one foot in front of the other…knowing the sun will come up each day.

We Remember Him

At the rising of the sun and at its going down,

We remember him.

At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter,

We remember him.

At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring,

We remember him.

At the shining of the sun and in the warmth of summer,

We remember him.

At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of autumn,

We remember him.

At the beginning of the year and at its end,

We remember him.

As long as we live, he too will live;

For he is now a part of us, as

We remember him.

When we are weary and in need of strength,

We remember him.

When we are lost and sick at heart,

We remember him.

When we have joy we crave to share,

We remember him.

When we have decisions that are difficult to make,

We remember him.

When we have achievements that are based on his,

We remember him.

As long as we live, he too will live;

For he is now a part of us, as

We remember him.


…in my little corner of the world…things that are hard to bear are sweet to remember.

Peace be with you, Dave


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“Every Day is a Treasure If You Know Where to Dig”

Posted by Reenie on December 2, 2008

It’s back to the office tomorrow but I felt compelled to “throw up a blog tonight…it’s been a very hectic few days.

My family gathered for our Thanksgiving meal at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday. It was a bittersweet evening…our first holiday without my brother-in-law. My sister & her boys decided upon their family portrait to sit on the dinner (a photo mug) table and I offered a special prayer in honor of Rick’s life and in thanksgiving for the memories he gave us. That’s my oldest nephew, Jonathan above with his mom, sister #3. He’s the spittin’ image of his dad! I’m sure my sister had sadness and emptiness in her heart as we all felt a common void. The evening was nice though and the meal was scrumptious with delectable desserts. Kudos to my dear Mother who prepared the turkey/stuffing, ham and mashed potatoes. Of course, it’s not a holiday without Mother’s homemade pies!

Sister #4’s son brought his girlfriend and introduced her to our family…that was especially delightful. She’s cute and adorable! We didn’t stay too late…wanted to get up early (no, not like those “crazed” shoppers who wanted to be out shopping at 4:00 in the morning) to meet my girlfriend for breakfast and Black Friday shopping. It was about 9:00 a.m. when we left to start our shopping fling.

Shelley & I had breakfast at a local restaurant in downtown Selinsgrove and then it was off to shop. We no longer go to the malls or outlets…we go “thrift shopping” or as some refer to it… “second hand/gently used” stores. We also try to patronize the hometown shop keepers and specialty stores. First stop was The Mustard Seed…all clothing items were ½ off! I did well in there. I’ll try to get some photos posted of my riches. Just down the street was a new shop called “30 South”…anything and everything…there were items for just $1.00 in the front part of the store, furniture and even antiques. I found several interesting things.

Then it was off to the Goodwill Thrift Store…and on to a Salvation Army Thrift Store. Both stores are like department stores. We always manage to come away with brand name items and both happy shoppers! The above photo is a park an area landscaper installed in downtown Selinsgrove; adorned in decorated trees and a sleigh filled with presents.

We drove to a small shop across the river…shop keeper advertises in the local newspaper…Shelley & I being curious…set out to find this shop situated in an old train station. It was quaint but a bit on the pricey side with very unique gift items, jewelry and Vera Bradley.

The English Garden (above)

We ate at Wendy’s (fast food)…and visited each shop in downtown Danville. It was about 4:30 p.m. when I arrived back home. We had a good time and after my sister got to my house…I showed her some of my “loot”…very discreetly, too. Husband doesn’t need to know everything!

Saturday it was up and dashing over to sister #3…we visited her son, my youngest nephew. He lives in an apartment nearby her house and has a new puppy. She’s 12 weeks old and her name is Bailey! He got her several weeks ago. She’s a beautiful chocolate lab…as you can see! I took tons of pictures. Of course, I had to take her a toy and she had a blast with it. She had her first check up Black Friday

That’s Erik with Bailey and her new toy! “Man’s best friend!”

My sister & I drove to the Memorial Park to visit her husband’s grave as she wanted me to see their new headstone. It’s beautiful…he would be so proud of her. She had tears for a few moments and said she missed him so much but was able to regain her composure as we walked and talked in the Garden of Repose.

Cheerfully, we took in a movie at the mall’s Cinema Center. We got tickets to “Four Christmases” with Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon. An entertaining movie but frankly, I thought it was bit “slapstick” for Witherspoon…almost out of character for her. We enjoyed the humor and laughed together. Afterward we went for salads, garlic bread and iced tea at Garfield’s Pub and Restaurant. We walked our dinner off by visiting some of the stores inside the mall.

Dear Santa, I want one of everything!

Sunday…it was off shopping with sister #4, my niece and my Mother. We had an enjoyable time and even made a dent in each of our Christmas shopping lists. It was late when I got home Sunday night but fortunately I had today off. I took a picture of my trunk after our shopping excursion but am experiencing technical difficulties with my camera in the downloading process. Stay tuned.

Don’t forget the true meaning of Christmas…remember, too, family and friends are the true gifts at Christmas!

…in my little corner of the world…we consider Christmas as the encounter, the great encounter, the historical encounter, the decisive encounter, between God and mankind. He who has faith knows this truly; let him rejoice!


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